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Goalie Pads for pavement

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Does anyone know what a good goalie pad is for playing on pavement?

I'm looking for something that will last quite a while - i have used franklin street hockey goalie pads in the past. Similar ones to this:Franklin Pads

They are ok but do fall apart after a while - it would be nice if there was some other ones out there that i could pick from - but it doesnt seem like there are - i suppose because there isnt much of a market for them??

Anybody have some suggestions?

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I like the Louisville, Heaton or CCM pads from Canadian Tire.


EDIT: Don't ask me why the CCM picture only shows one pad = P

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do you think these pads can take as much abuse as those three?


bigger picture is here Hespeler Pads

and yes those pads get wider at the bottom - almost cheating huh - lol

I've never seen the Hespeler pads in real life so I can't really say much.

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i normally use the franklin plastic pads and they work pretty well - i just wondered if there was something better out there

those hespeler pads are very tempting - im just not sure if they will last as long as plastic pads would on pavement

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I like the Louisville, Heaton or CCM pads from Canadian Tire.


EDIT: Don't ask me why the CCM picture only shows one pad = P

these pads tend to fall apart pretty easily... well at least for me

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I like the Louisville, Heaton or CCM pads from Canadian Tire.


EDIT: Don't ask me why the CCM picture only shows one pad = P

these pads tend to fall apart pretty easily... well at least for me

yah there pretty brutal, they dont have the inserts like the others. these will get ripped to shreds.

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i wish some company besides franklin would make a pair of nice legpads that would last a long time (preferably similar to the plastic franklin ones)

all the companies must think that hardly anyone needs this stuff and they cant make money at it

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I like the good ole' Mylec pads. Those were AWESOME(as long as you made them TIGHT as hizzell because they'd slide and your knees would hit the ground, ouch) for concrete.If you two pad stacked the right way, you'd seem to coast/slide across the pavement...man those things were steek. Definetly worth the price of like $40 for a ball hockey pad.

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