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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Windows xp

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We have two computers at our house and they both have windows 98. If I buy one windows xp home uprgrade can I install it on both computers ?

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i thought they allowed up to 2 computers on one serial #

I believe you're only allowed one serial number per computer, unless it is a "Volume License" key. These keys can have be used as many times as possible. You most likely won't be able to legally get one of these keys unless you work for a big company.

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Im pretty sure you can get xp key generators off of ares, kazaa or whatever you use.

If you wanna go the illegal route. But if you purchase a PC nowadays from a big chain company, most likely XP is already preloaded and when you install, you're not even asked for your serial number.

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Im pretty sure you can get xp key generators off of ares, kazaa or whatever you use.

Well, most generators wont work being that the key has to be sent to M$ and be approved. There are corporate keys which can be use on many computers, but they are 1. hard to find for your specific build of Windows and 2. illegal to use outside of that company. Splurge for copy.

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