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Summer Hockey Camps?

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Anyone know of any hockey camps that have roller and ice offered? How about reviews on the hockey camps everyone has been to and really learned something. Who knows where the real hardcore hockey camps at the elite are? Lets hear from everyone. Thanks

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I went to Peter Twist for a week last year, just ice not dryland, it was good but not worth the $$, and I think it's meant for kids to go to every week, which I can't afford. There were alotta kids going every week, and some were from the states, I can't imagine how much that would cost :o

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Besides all the traveling ones that came to town when I was younger, I went to UBC a few times. I always had a good time. The staff was always good, even though they weren't big names (one of my instructors was in Miracle). I went to both the regular and then accelerated camps, and they both had a good blend of off and on ice. I'd look into it if you live somewhere in the west. I've had friends who have gone to both UBC and Okanogan, which is, or at least was, considered to be the premier camp out west, and they all have liked UBC better.

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I was thinking of sending my son to a camp next summer and we found this one so far that has both roller and ice at the same time. Has anyone gone to this camp? Any one live around this area? The camp looks great and the location is beautiful, but I really need to check on the level of hockey instruction there before we spend that much money. Well before he spends that much as he has been saving for a while to do this. Check it out and see if you have heard of this one.


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I was thinking of sending my son to a camp next summer and we found this one so far that has both roller and ice at the same time. Has anyone gone to this camp? Any one live around this area? The camp looks great and the location is beautiful, but I really need to check on the level of hockey instruction there before we spend that much money. Well before he spends that much as he has been saving for a while to do this. Check it out and see if you have heard of this one.


Looks like its in the Eastern Townships, very nice and great fishing there. Never heard of the camp though.

Have a look at http://www.rogerneilsonshockey.com/ its been going for years, NHL pros as instructors.

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