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Gilbert Brule

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I finally got the chance to see this kid play since I last went to a Giants game last season. I'd say he was on a different level compared to most of the other players. All of a sudden when Brule had control of the puck, many times he would just deke out the D-man. I remember watching his first touch tonight and he just streaked down the left wing past 2 defenders and then deked before getting taken out by a diving Tri-City player. Anyways for whoever saw the highlights, they probably showed the 2nd goal of the game assisted by Brule. He basically pulled a simple move on the defenseman, making him fall onto the ice, centered it for the eventual game winner by Mitch Bartley. Brule's really one of those players you have to see in person before you believe how good he really is.

Anyways, I think Brule is going to become a Joe Thornton calibre player when he hits the NHL. Does anyone know what ranking he is in the CHL right now?

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I saw him play against the Winterhawks earlier this year and I was very amazed. Vancouver played like crap, but he got a pretty nice goal. He was definitely heads and shoulders above everyone else on the ice, minus Braydon Coburn. Schwarz (sp?) the goalie was also pretty impressive.

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I saw him play against the Winterhawks earlier this year and I was very amazed.  Vancouver played like crap, but he got a pretty nice goal.  He was definitely heads and shoulders above everyone else on the ice, minus Braydon Coburn.  Schwarz (sp?) the goalie was also pretty impressive.

Marek Schwarz was pretty impressive in net tonight too. He came from far left of the crease to the far right to make a save. He caught enough of the puck to keep it out. Carey Price, the goalie for Tri-City, wasn't bad either. Flashed the leather a couple times.

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Anyways, I think Brule is going to become a Joe Thornton calibre player when he hits the NHL. Does anyone know what ranking he is in the CHL right now?

I agree that Brulet is a special player, but I wouldn't consider him a Joe Thornton-type player, I know you didn't say he was a Joe Thornton-type guy, but Brulet's definitely not a power forward. He's a pretty small guy.

I believe Brulet is ranked sixth now by Central Scouting among NA players. He was ranked second, however has dropped. I believe he should be higher ranked, Brulet has really picked it up defensively for the Giants and has added another dimension to his game. Brulet is a gritty player too and that will set him apart from Crosby, IMO. It's a shame we didn't get a chance to see the two face-off at the Top Prospects Game.

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Yep he's sixth now. Should be higher cause he's talented as hell, plus gritty. He's not big but aside from his obvious talent, he's tough too. I know he's had a few tilts this year.

Thornton not so much, maybe more of an Iginla style. Not saying hes as good obviously (seeing as the kids 17), but in the same really skilled and hard nosed fashion.

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Brule is one of those guys that would have been on the same hype level as Crosby if he wasn't playing in the dub. It's been said repeatedly that the WHL is the most accurate dipiction of what the NHL is at this time in regaurds to the defensive style of the game. If Brule was playing with almost any other team in the OHL or the Q, his point totals would be along the same lines as Boisclair.

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I've heard people say that if Brule was in the QMJHL and Crosby was in the WHL that their point totals would be reversed, and Brule would have all the hype surrounding him.

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I've heard people say that if Brule was in the QMJHL and Crosby was in the WHL that their point totals would be reversed, and Brule would have all the hype surrounding him.

i dont know about that, the hype started when gretzky said crosby would be the next one. Brule is amazing, ive seen him play 2 times in person.

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Brule is one of those guys that would have been on the same hype level as Crosby if he wasn't playing in the dub. It's been said repeatedly that the WHL is the most accurate dipiction of what the NHL is at this time in regaurds to the defensive style of the game. If Brule was playing with almost any other team in the OHL or the Q, his point totals would be along the same lines as Boisclair.

I believe that in the O the average goals a game total is higher than in the Q. I definetely agree with the Boisclair statement, his point totals would be in that range, IMO.

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From what I've seen the Q is all fighters and dangles. The dub is, well winning hockey, but overrated for anyone, but D, thats my opinion and the OHL is a hybrid. Some stars at either end, but underrated overall. The WHL has alot of big players, but all the talent is within the tiny guys basically a half dozen of the big and talented (always drafted early) and the rest are decent, but nothing to write home about. I saw Weber play this weekend and I wouldn't even put him in their top 2 D, but he was bigger than the other guys who I thought were head and shoulders above him.

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From what I've seen the Q is all fighters and dangles. The dub is, well winning hockey, but overrated for anyone, but D, thats my opinion and the OHL is a hybrid. Some stars at either end, but underrated overall. The WHL has alot of big players, but all the talent is within the tiny guys basically a half dozen of the big and talented (always drafted early) and the rest are decent, but nothing to write home about. I saw Weber play this weekend and I wouldn't even put him in their top 2 D, but he was bigger than the other guys who I thought were head and shoulders above him.

Eazy, its too bad you saw Weber that way. When I was at the Memorial Cup last year, Weber and Gorges were controlling games, Gorges ahead of Weber of course, but they were both IMO top 3 defenseman at the Mem. Cup. I also thought Sam Roberts from Gatineau and Kevin Klein from Guelph were top. Anyway, from the 8 or so times I have seen Weber he has been a top player, for sure.

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I somewhat agree with Eazy... The 4/5 time I have seen Weber play this year here in PG he hasn't been spectacular, or even noticeable for that matter. I didn't realize that many of you guys lived in WHL towns...

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Bobby Ryan is a better player...

I think that by next year Bryan Little, and when Zach Hamill comes to be in 2 years, they will be tops if you compare their seasons to Ryan's this year. Although I do agree with you, Ryan seems to have better skating and vision than Brule IMO.

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You guys should watch out for Riley Hozapfel, plays for the Moose Jaw Warriors. I played with and against him in minor hocley. Hes second in 16 year old scoring on a less then par team, I dont think he played at all last year either. Quite impresive. I belive hes got maybe around 30 points, which isnt bad at all for a first year guy.

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You guys should watch out for Riley Hozapfel, plays for the Moose Jaw Warriors. I played with and against him in minor hocley. Hes second in 16 year old scoring on a less then par team, I dont think he played at all last year either. Quite impresive. I belive hes got maybe around 30 points, which isnt bad at all for a first year guy.

If anything I would say that being a talented rookie on a extremely sub-par team is quite benificial to the player in many instances. If a team is beyond hope of a above .500 season, I've known many coaches to put rookies or sophmores on top lines with the teams top players to gain them exposure to the higher levels of the game that they wouldn't have otherwise, and hopefully have them develop quicker. I'm not taking anything away from the kid, just leveling out major potential hype.

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Know one really knows him, he started off on a lower line getting no time at all. Untill he started to prove himself, now hes on the top line I belive and on the powerplay.

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