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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Im going to a tournamnet in Port Coquitlam, BC and im just wondering if there is anystores that sells Innovative products there or in the area since they don't sell them here in Edmonton. Can anyone give me the name/address of a store? Thanks.

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The only place in town that I know of that has Innovative stuff is Scoffs. It's very limited though and most of their stuff is prostock. I only remember seeing a few Jovo blades and 1100 OPS's from some Redwing players (McCarty, Draper, and I think Holmstrom). Check out their site at www.scoffshockey.com for the address and phone number.

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I'm guessing probably 20 minutes or so. I don't know where the rink is in Port Coquitlam. Check out www.mytelus.com for directions. Just enter the addresses of both locations in their Map/Directions tool and it'll give you directions and an estimated driving time.

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If you like Innovative like I do (I ave six of their sticks) and if you don't mind the drive, go to The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. They have a bunch of Innovative "Fedorov" stamped black shafts right now that they have on sale for a good price, I believe $69.99. The address is #10369 - 135th Street in Surrey, BC. or try the website @ www.thehockeyshop.com

Scoff's is an ok place to go, but like Kobe said, a very limited selection. When I was there last week, they had a few Draper Innovative 1100 fused OPS and McCarty's, depending on if you are RH or LH. Scoff's also have a few Innovative "Jovanovski" graphite blades (Lidstrom Curve) as well.

There is a place in Richmond BC, (much farther drive) that has some Innovative black 1100 tapered shafts ($129.99), not as cheap as the Hockey Shop in Surrey, but tapered if you like that style of shaft.

I think that's about it for Innovative products here in Vancouver and I always look for their stuff in town here or on-line.

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Oooops, sorry....the place in Richmond is called SFS Ice Level Sports.

Thanks for the help. Do they have a website?

Nevermind I found it.

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I assume that means that you're going to the Port Coquitlam Bantam Tournament. If you want to find directions/maps/whatever using the PoCo Rec Centre as the starting point, the address is 2150 Wilson Avenue. I essentially grew up in those rinks, got a job there when I graduated high school and am still employed by the City.

Of the places mentioned, The Hockey Shop in Surrey is the quickest and easiest to get to from where you're likely going to be staying. The only problem is that it's in Surrey ;) Those from Surrey will be offended but those from outside Surrey will know how it is the Greater Vancouver joke capital (probably not worded right, but the words escape me now). The Hockey Shop is great. It's huge and it has tons of stuff.

Also, there is another Scoff's in Pitt Meadows, just across the bridge from Port Coquitlam. However, it isn't owned by the same guy and doesn't have anywhere near the same selection.

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