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Non-stop 10 day hockey game sets new world record

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SHERWOOD PARK, ALTA. - A group of 40 hockey players on a backyard rink near Edmonton has set a new record for a continuous hockey game, raising more than $200,000 for children's cancer research in the process.

In 10 days starting Feb. 11, the two informal teams played the equivalent of an entire NHL season.

By the time they declared the game over with weary cheers and handshakes at noon on Monday, they had jockeyed back and forth for 240 hours, handily breaking the previous record of 203 hours.

No one was really keeping count after that many hours of skating, passing, shooting, checking and scoring, but organizer Brent Saik guessed the final tally would be "about 2,500 to 2,300."

Saik and his friends first set the record two years ago, when they played for 82 hours and raised $130,000 for cancer research in honour of Saik's father, who died from the disease in 1991.

After they set the record, his wife, Susan, also died of cancer.

When a group in Sudbury, Ont., broke the 82-hour record last year, the Edmonton players grew determined to take the honour back.

Saik built the outdoor rink – regulation size, with lights – in his backyard for the game. He said he had bought the property without looking at the house, satisfied that the yard was right for a sheet of ice.

By the time things wrapped up midday Monday, the game was a little slow, as unshaven players with dark circles under their eyes batted weakly at the puck.

Watching the game near Sherwood Park.

"I'll be glad once this whole thing is over and get back to a regular life," said Mike Berge, his feet blistered after skating for a week.

The players not only had to drag themselves around the ice, but had to schedule volunteers and massage therapists, and make sure that two referees were always on hand, so that the game qualifies for a Guinness world record.

The players say they love both the game and the cause – equipment designed specifically for children with cancer.

"It's for a great cause. There are a lot of people out there suffering from cancer and we're out there to do it for them," Berge said.


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I stopped by to well-wish these guys.

Was for a great cause and organised by a man (Saik) who has had MORE than his share of hardships as late.

I almost wished I could be playing when I was there - until I saw the blisters..*lol*

Seriously though - as hockey players of all levels and abilities - we should all be proud of these guys!

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I stopped by to well-wish these guys.

Was for a great cause and organised by a man (Saik) who has had MORE than his share of hardships as late.

I almost wished I could be playing when I was there - until I saw the blisters..*lol*

Seriously though - as hockey players of all levels and abilities - we should all be proud of these guys!

Wow, I'm proud of these guys. Can you imagine playing that long?

They raised a lot of money too. What dedication.

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It was an intense game. My Cousin played in that, we talked to him the day after and he could barely move. He said the adrenaline and the fact that you're doing it for a great cause kept your mind off of how bad you hurt.

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I stopped by for this for about 20 minutes, they had food stands and auctions, it was cool. The guys who were sitting had duck tape on their feet from blisters.

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sorry if this is a dumb question but there couldnt have been a lot of checking that would be so much more tiring, was there a lot?

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