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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After finaly getting by the annoying noise the t-blades make, and talking to the guy at the vegas show, i am looking to try out a set on one of my pairs of skates. I would just like to know what everyone thinks of them. I sharpen my own skates, so really the only thing i am looking for is how they perform over tradational holders and steel.

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I really like my tblades. After i put them on, it made my skates feel much lighter. I also never have to worry about a terrible sharpening on them. If i was you i would get them. i really like mine. I've had mine for a monthish? and i haven't had any trouble with the blades dulling or anything.

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I STRONGLY prefer traditional blades over t'blades.

-although they are lighter, I found that they didn't glide on the ice as well, they just rather were digging into the ice

-if you get a huge knick or you lose an edge on them, they are toast. If you get a knick in the first few skates on a new set of blades, that could be really costly changing them out all the time. I rather just sharpen a pair of skates every 3 to 5 ice times

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ive had t'blades the whole season ,heres my opinion


-better forward speed

-you can totally dog it and still go fast

-last longer when u have a sharpener

-stop faster

-more jump or....bounce in crossovers


-turning quickly while ur going fast sucks because you slip out because theres barely any blade

EDIT-replacement blades are 22$ can. where i live

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Do a search on Sweetsticks, you'll find out they aren't all they're cracked up to be.

Well it's workin just great for me.

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Do a search on Sweetsticks, you'll find out they aren't all they're cracked up to be.

Well it's workin just great for me.

But do you realize what they're doing to your blades?

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Do a search on Sweetsticks, you'll find out they aren't all they're cracked up to be.

Well it's workin just great for me.

But do you realize what they're doing to your blades?

If it works, I don't think it really matter what's happening to the blades.

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They are $16 here. I don't think they make you skate faster, forwards or backwards, noticably lighter, or even that loud anymore. Only reason I've kept them really is just because they seem to last longer for me. I replace maybe once in 3 weeks. But, I'm on the ice a lot during hockey/ref season. Only downfall is my foot size seems to be everybodies foot size with tblades here. So, finding runners when I need them can be tricky.

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Do a search on Sweetsticks, you'll find out they aren't all they're cracked up to be.

Well it's workin just great for me.

But do you realize what they're doing to your blades?

If it works, I don't think it really matter what's happening to the blades.

Because its t'Blades and you'll end up replacing the blades pretty often, I guess its fine. But I would never recommend doing it on traditional blades.

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It does work but only a certain amount of time before you have to actually get them sharpened again. The most I've done is 5, but usually I can only do it 2 or 3 times before the edges start to slip out on me.

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How do they affect backwards speed?

its better because you cut harder so when u reach out with your inside leg and "grab" the ice you dig in well

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I think the general consensus with the tblades are that If you have someone that can sharpen regular steel decently(in this case you) that the additional performance benefits of the tblades being a little lighter are negligable. The main selling point of the tblades is the ability to always have a consistent edge.

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The main selling point of the tblades is the ability to always have a consistent edge.

... and to be able to change blades anywhere at any time. Even if you can get a good sharpening in your area, you'll loose a lot of time just driving to the shop (and back) for a sharpening. And with t'blades you can even do a switch between periods or between games on a tournament.

As for the first part of your statement: That's about what the CEO of t'blade wrote on MSH a while ago. The slight improvement on performance is a nice bonus of t'blades but the main point is the possbility to get a fresh and consistent sharpening by just changing runners.

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Having a spare blade to change is a smart idea and benefit. However, this advantage of the t-blade is about the same as regular skates. Most folks can change a runner on a skate in the same time as a t-blade. Many of my customers have two or even three sets of regular steel, and always have a pair sharpened and ready to go in their bags, for emergencies, tourneys, for after pond/backyard rink playing, etc. Some even just bought the extra set so they don't have to make the drive to my shop so often. :-(

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thanks for everyone's help.... I like being able to sharpen my own skates depending on our ice conditions and rinks that i am going to. I might get a pair to put on my vectors that i only use to coach... just to try them out.

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