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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS PTC vs. Innovative vs. Vapor X

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What is better? I know each is good in different things, but which would you reccommend? I am going to buy two of them, and for price the PTC and the Vapor are lowest, and I can also get them both from the same place, so those two are ahead from the get go. Innos have the best feel though, so that puts them right back in the running. I just can't decide... Help!

Also, how come I don't have a poll option on here??

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You probably started a 'New Topic' instead of a 'New Poll'. The options are displayed next to each other when viewing the forum screen.

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I havn't used the vapor blades, but I have used several of the inno and tps blades, and I would say for the inno blades if there is a pattern you like. The feel is slightly better than the tps blades, but the durability is second to none. Its worth the extra $10 you might pay.The only time I've broken inno blades is when I've done something stupid like bang it against the goal post, or got it got in the boards.

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I have had the VaporX blade. It is made by Inno without a doubt. It is nice, but the TPS is noticably lighter and thinner. If it's going on a 250g type shaft, the VaporX is going to screw up the balance.

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N/M... I decided to go with the PTC with a RedLight Xn10 and an Inno for my M-2. If anyone thinks these two combos won't work, speak now or forever hold you peace. ;)

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