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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Momentum

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I was at Cyclone Taylor's the other day, they had these Sherwood Momentum sticks on sale for $99. I was just wondering if anyone knows the specs for this stick, like what kind of material and if anyone has used them, what the durability was like.

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I wouldn't call it blade heavy at all. The shaft is wood while the blade is graphite. It's shaft heavy if anything.

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I wouldn't call it blade heavy at all. The shaft is wood while the blade is graphite. It's shaft heavy if anything.

Wood stick feel with composite blade stiffness. All with a favourable balance that makes you feel that it is much lighter than it is.

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I wouldn't call it blade heavy at all. The shaft is wood while the blade is graphite. It's shaft heavy if anything.

depends on how long it is.

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i played with the Franklin AIR CORE 7035 for one year and a half ...my favorite stick ever!!!(now i still have a 9007 blade )i loved the Guerin curve...the sandpaper grip was nice(but i know there no grip on the momentum!)i stop using them before it was a bitch to order them from U.S to Canada...because franklin stop making hockey stuff

From what i heard(if i dont make mistake)SHER-WOOD bought the idea of franklin...and decide to make their own air core model because franklin stopped!!

FOR 100CND!!!ONE OF THE BEST FEEL EVER(WOOD FEEL) with a super lightweight(it about 500 gram(60'')approx) it not that heavy...!!!(well for a wood blade it really light!)and it as a nice contoured shaft shape at the end of the shaft!!

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