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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I was at this s,tore in Kelowna yesterday, Chevy's and was looking around, and saw a stealth grip. So I picked that up looked at it for a few minutes, and then thought that they must have the SL and ST's. So I went over and picked up the SL. After a little bit of convincing I managed to get my mom to get me it, and I was on my merry way. I can't shoot with it until monday, so until then I just have to stickhandle and stuff. Anyway, I'm just wondering how you guys with SL's like yours..?

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It's all good, I spraypaint my sticks black up to the N on EASTON...where the blue paint ends.

Do you do that to "hide the puck" or for some other reason. I might start doing that.

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I spray paint mine to hide the puck it works pretty well.

What do ya mean. Can you tell or did you ask one of the goalies or what?

Also, can you try to post a pic? Thanks alot.

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I spray paint mine to hide the puck it works pretty well.

WTF means "hiding the puck" i really dont get it

please explain it...

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The black of the stick with the black of the puck suposedly creates an optical illusion in the eyes of a goalie, but I bet if you ask any goalie, they'd tell you it doesnt do anything. Also if you do it and then tape your blade with white tape you defeat the purpose of "hiding the puck."

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My dads a goalie and he says that if u black out the bottom of your stick sometimes he doesn't know if hes fakin the shot or not and he says that its very confusing to tell where the shot goes.

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Forsberg91, I just do mine because I like how it looks when I look down, not really for hiding the puck because I tape my sticks with white tape. So yea, i just like how it looks pretty much.

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UPDATE: I used mine for the first 2 times today, and I have to say I agree with Sniper, it is the best stick I have used to date. It took a little like 5 minute adjustment because of the weight of it, with stickhandling was different, but it was a positive change. It fires rockets too..:)

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UPDATE: I used mine for the first 2 times today, and I have to say I agree with Sniper, it is the best stick I have used to date. It took a little like 5 minute adjustment because of the weight of it, with stickhandling was different, but it was a positive change. It fires rockets too..:)

people dont believe me but now your on the same boat with me... it is an amazing stick... and rockets may be an understatment. I'm a pressure/down low type forward and never used to take slapshots in games because i never had that great a slapshot (my nsapshots were much much better) but now i have renewed confidence in my slapper and even scored a goal from the blue line while i was covering for a D... i love the SL

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He got it without grip and he said they guy gave him a deal on GST or something and he got it for $270.

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