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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Off Ice Stickhandling Drills

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I have tried every kind of stickhandling ball (smart hockey ball, roller hockey ball, golf ball, weighted whiffle ball) on a smooth concrete surface for stickhandling drills and I find it messes up my on ice feel for the puck. The only exercise that seems to help me without messing with my on ice puck feel is doing wrist curls with weights. Do you guys know any good off ice exercises?

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A smarthockey training ball.....theyre about 13 bucks, or at least thats how much i got mine for. they are the same weight as a puck and react the same as a puck would on the ice. i love mine, it really helps out on your stickhandling.

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A smarthockey training ball.....theyre about 13 bucks, or at least thats how much i got mine for. they are the same weight as a puck and react the same as a puck would on the ice. i love mine, it really helps out on your stickhandling.

They are 18.99 at my LHS and come with a short dvd. I really want one but don't want to pay that much!

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