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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SL Question

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ya the original "milky" first generation z bubble grips were by far the best grip any stick company has ever had (imo). i wish to hell theyd bring that back on these sticks.

I like the TFG grip or the gold synergy grip, too bad it peeled so much.

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I have a prostock SL with a sakic curve with 100 flex. I also have a Vapor XX 85 grip. The SL's blade, as said before, is very hot. The SL shaft is also much thinner then the Vapors. My slap shot is much faster with my SL then with my Vapor. The only con is that with the SL, I got slashed or a skate his my stick and I can see the carbon fibers on the outside, does anyone know why this happened?

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probably not really a big deal it happened to every pro stock synergy ive ever had, but i havent used a reg syn in a couple years so i dont really remember if it used to happen to those as well.

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probably not really a big deal it happened to every pro stock synergy ive ever had, but i havent used a reg syn in a couple years so i dont really remember if it used to happen to those as well.

thanks mm705

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the face is hot as hell but still feels really solid. Its going to feel a little jumpy comming from the si core but once you get used to it the puck just explodes off the blade. Good stuff from easton.

Yea I noticed that on mine to. I love mine. I have a howie.

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