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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood Synthesis Blade

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there alright, durablity isnt too great on them, on the 2-3 youll go through in a couple months, you might just want to buy the composite blade

people dont buy wood blades for the durability they buy them for the feel.

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Hunter, have you actually used the synthesis wood blade, or are you just talking about wood blades in general?

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Any Idea where to get the Easton Wood Synthesis Blades, I can't find them locally so I have looked online and still no luck .

They should be out soon, have patience

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Hunter, have you actually used the synthesis wood blade, or are you just talking about wood blades in general?

I think he may actually be confusing the old synthesis hybrid blade for the new hybrid woodies (which as far as I know haven't been released quite yet). Though maybe he got some early.

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greatskate.com has them.

Are they pre-order or did they actually get them in stock?

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Just looked and it says order now for February delivery so there available now.

I would think they would update it when they're actually in stock, like they do for other products.

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