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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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getting name/number on cuff

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Depending on your model it might no be as complicated as you might think to embroider your name on your gloves,

if you tell me what model you have and what you wish to embroider I can give your options.

i have x70i eagles

i just want to put emilee

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i did it two ways on my eaglex51s. matterial leather or what ever they are.

i don"t recomend these way for nylon because the paint will run.

both with a fine tip paint pen found at a craft store. it worked great.

first way was with a 1/4" stencil

the other way was freehand. just "painted" my name on them.

ever thought about having a decal made like what is used to cover helmet logos?

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i did it two ways on my eaglex51s. matterial leather or what ever they are.

i don"t recomend these way for nylon because the paint will run.

both with a fine tip paint pen found at a craft store. it worked great.

first way was with a 1/4" stencil

the other way was freehand. just "painted" my name on them.

ever thought about having a decal made like what is used to cover helmet logos?

i want the real deal, not a majic marker job

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the paint pen is Zig Painty

label says "great for personalizing & decorating......."

upc #015586491298

found at craft/fabric stores like joann fabrics

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In some malls are some stands who do embroidery stuff on shirts caps and so on, you could ask them.

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your gloves have a small extension piece attached to the cuff,

you can embroider up 9 characters on the x70i,(emilee ##)

depending if it is a 2004 model or newer (and if you are patient as well) you might be able to order the extensions threw your eagle dealer and have them shipped out to you, a local shoe repairman(cobbler) should be able to sew it on for you for less then 2$

If not Fixitbymail might be able to do it

If not we could do it for you as well.

hope this helps

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my uncle makes vinyl decals as a side job ,ive put them on my cuff before,they stick really good , reading this post just reminded me that i have to get some name plate decals for my sticks and some letters for gloves, if any1 needs something pm me

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