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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX flex

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I know the flex chart shows that Bauer and Easton flexes are essentially the same (B 102 = E 100, etc.), but I just read Eazy b97's review of the Vapor XX and he says that the 102 flex feels more like a 90 flex Easton. Does anyone else who has used an XX agree that the they are a little whippier than an equivalent Easton flex?

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We had an 87 in the shop that felt like it was like my Mission 100. Of the half dozen we had, all were closer to 100 than the 87 printed on them.

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Well my buddy had a 52 flex (don't ask me why) and it was stiff to begin with, but then it loosened up was a whole lot flexier than an Easton 50.

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