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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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goatskin and gripshafts.

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I was wanting to know what you guys are doing to help the grippyness of goatskin palms and grip shaft combo, I can barely use my vapor xx ops anymore with these gloves. too much grip. thanks.

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I have the same problem. I;ve had to just deal with it cuz I'm tight on cash and can afford a new stick, so i need to make my vapor and goatskin eagles work. It REALLY pisses me off. I've found a candycane tape job works ok for taking some of the grip away, but i wish there were a better solution.

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On my friend's Vapor XX I could just rub off the grip on his stick. It was peeling so bad. Maybe you could try to take the grip off the stick.

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That's the beauty of good palms, you don't need a grip stick.

yea i know lol, too bad almost all i have are grip shafts and ops, now i need to find a good tapered non grip shaft.

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That's the beauty of good palms, you don't need a grip stick.

yea i know lol, too bad almost all i have are grip shafts and ops, now i need to find a good tapered non grip shaft.

Go with TPS or Mission. The new Mission Hex grip is very subtle, it works quite well with the new palms on the helium and L7.

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