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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS R2 or Bauer XV

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After breaking my one piece, i've decided to get a tapered shaft. I've shortlisted it between the TPS R2 (my LHS sells it for 111.99US) or the Bauer XV. I've searched these forums and couldn't find any information but how is the R2 in terms of durability and performance? I heard TPS shafts are notorious for their poor durability. And what would you guys recommend out of the two? Thnx

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I used Response OPS, same shaft as the R2, and I never broke a shaft. Every time one broke it was the blade that went first.

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Personally, i havent used a tapered two piece, but i like my Vapor XX better than any response ive tried (Response, response XN10, Response Plus) i think it would be nice to have a R2-rubber though...

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Alright, i've been looking at the flex chart and my LHS only sells the R2 in regular and it's equivalent to a 95 flex. I've also started looking at the R2 xn10 at another store because it offers 'whip' flex. Sorry so it's basically the R2 xn10 vs. the Bauer XV. Does anyone have any more information regarding the durability or performance of any of these sticks?

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Check the equipment review forums. There are 3 reviews on the XV and 1 review on the R2 xn10.

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