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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XN10 Stick rattle (updated: Morrow read this)

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Ok, I did a search and haven't come up with a solution so I'm hoping someone can help me out before I lose my mind. I have a TPS XN10 stick and a piece of glue came lose in the shaft. I emailed TPS about the problem and they advised me that there is a piece of foam that must have moved up and that is why the loose glue is rattling. I pushed the foam back down, but by the time I get half way through a game it's rattling again. The loose glue won't come out becuase the piece of foam is keeping it in there.

Does anybody have a solution to this problem? Any help is appreciated.

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lol! No, not a raffle!! ha ha.

Well, I tried to put something sharp down in there and that didn't do any good either. I even tried putting a screw in a wooden dowel to try to pull the foam out and it won't come out. So I just packed it down in there again and we'll see how it goes next game.

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even though it might be anoyying to you, im sure it wont effect the durability of the stick or the feel at all. so its not a bad thing other than an anoyying sound

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I had the same problem. Even though Hunter is right, Its still VERY annoying. I had a end plug in my stick though. I just took it out, flipped ot over and shook it a few times and it came out. Maybe try putting some heat on it to get the glue to stick again?

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Right, I took the end plug out. I did try the heat and also tried shaking it and pounding it on the floor. But, the piece of glue still won't come out. That piece of foam that's in there just stops it from coming out. Anyway last night I really jammed the foam down in there tight and I even stuck another small piece of foam in there with it. I played a whole game and it didn't rattle at all so I.'m hoping that I have the problem fixed.

I'm not worried about the durability at alll. This is definitely the best stick I have owned so far and I'm very happy with the Nash curve and the whip flex. It has made a noticeable difference in my shot (both slap and wrist) compared to my Recchi Vector 110.

Thanks for all the ideas.

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Yea I have a peice of glue in my Alpha Nemesis but I cant get it out due to the vibration dampners. It's pretty annoying.

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Here's an upate on the glue in the stick. This may help some others that have had this problem. Like Morrow.

Yesterday I got an idea to go buy some krazy glue. I've been using a curtain rod to push the dampening foam back down into the stick to stop the rattling. The dampening foam was what was actually preventing the piece of glue from coming out. So, I spread some krazy glue on the end of the curtain rod (I also had some duck tape just wrapped around the end) put the curtain rod in the stick for about 20 seconds. When I pulled it out the piece of foam came out. I flipped the stick over and the piece of glue that has been aggravating the heck out of me fell out. Then I just pushed the piece of foam back in. Hope this works for anyone else with a similar problem! :D

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