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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats the difference between the CP94 95 and 96. Is it just that one has 4 piece backroll vs 5 or 6 making those an inch bigger? Are the H34 and H35's the same way? I know I've seen this somewhere before but couldnt find it.

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I thought the difference was the sizing. CP94 is 14" CP94 was 15" and I'd assume CP96 was 16". Not completely sure, but I believe that something similar was poster earlier.

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That what I thought too, just clarifying before I order them. Im think Im going to order some custom ones from EPuck. Thanks.

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My CP94s are prostock but are definitely about an inch longer than my 14" X50s. The CP94s I own have 4 rolls. I think the CP9X distinguishes how many backrolls the gloves have not neccesarily the actual size (although I dont think 6 backrolls is possibly...). Good question though. I would call.

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I think its the number of backrolls not necessarily the size. Like I can get CP95's with 5 backrolls but in 14 inches. Thanks for your help, going to order them in a few days, its a hassle emailing them back and forth with options and pricing.

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