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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Changing PITCH

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I just got my S500's and am breaking them in as we speak (I'm not gonna bake them) and I want to try out the +1 PITCH setting. Problem is, I can't get the right skate blade to go to +1. The left skate blade is no problem, and from -1 to N the right blade moves with ease, but it won't budge at all past N. I asked Chadd about this earler and he said use a pliers with the blade covered with a cloth, but that didn't work. Any help is appreciated.

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Did you remove the front bolts as well? That makes it much easier.

Yea I did. Still didn't budge.

Sounds like you need to find someone who already hit puberty. ;) Seriously though, that method has worked on every S series skate I've had in here. I'd take it to a shop and let them handle it. I can think of a couple otehr things to ry but they could damage the holder if done improperly.

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If I brought them to an LHS they wouldn't know what I'm talking about. Most of them have never ever heard of the company Mission (exaggeration, but pretty close...), let alone knowing how to work the PITCH.

I also tried getting my brother to do the pliers thing, and he couldn't get it either. And if you've met him, you'd know it's safe to assume that the pliers method won't work. ;)

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Yea I figured that might work too, and I tried it. It didn't help at all at the time. There was part of the plastic holder that was loose inside the where the blade got stuck, that's why it wouldn't move. I took that little piece out after I got the blade out.

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