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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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BOMB THREAT called into my local rink!

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I just got home from my local rink, every Saturday night we have a clinic type thing that starts around 10:30 PM, right after open skating ends. It's not really much of a clinic, we basically just hang out and shoot around and we've got the entire rink to ourselves for pretty much the ENTIRE night, sometimes we've stayed there till 4am just messing around on the ice, playing 3on3, etc. It's a lot of fun.

Well tonight, we get there and everything is normal and going great, it was just me and 4 other guys messing around and having fun on the rink. At about 11 PM or so all of a sudden someone that works at the rink comes running in to get the attention of Mack (he's incharge at the rink and also was on the ice with us shooting around), Mack skates off the ice and runs out into the lobby area of the rink, we weren't sure what was going on so we just kept on shooting around like it was no big deal.

About 2 minutes later we see 4 cops quickly running into the rink with flashlights shining the flashlights in corners, on the roof, in every little doorway, going into the locker rooms, etc. and Mack comes and tells us to just stay on the ice because someone called in a BOMB THREAT!!!!!!!!!

Everything was so crazy, you hear about bomb threats being called into restaurants, schools, hospitals, etc. but when it actually happens to you, it's just insane. Being on the ice was probably the safest place because if there was a bomb we'd be protected by the boards and whatnot. The cops told us they would have to call in the BSO bomb squad if they found any suspicious box or anything. We had our sticks all ready to beat some ass, lol... but seriously it was pretty scary.

Again, I must emphasize, this was happening at around midnight and we were pretty much the only ones in the building except for one guy who was organizing the skate rentals so we thought we were being targeted or something, it's not like it happened when it was busy during a game or public skating when there was 100 people on the ice.

The cops ended up not finding anything after doing 2 full searches of the entire building, but it was pretty damn scary. They said it was most likely some punk kids that called in the bomb threat that were at the rink an hour before during the public Saturday night open skating session.

But yeah, it was a crazy night. One of the guys on the ice with us just moved here to Florida from Nebraska and he goes "if this is what Florida is like, i'm going back to Nebraska" :lol:.

For all you South Florida people that are wondering, we were at Glacier Ice Arena in Pompano Beach.

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Weird thing is I was in a similar situation. We were the next game, and it was in the building beside it. They actually found a pipe Bomb in the plant beside us (where the threat was called to), but nobody was allowed on the ice again and the players who were on were rushed off. Interesting how they handled it differently

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some guy called a bomb threat into my buddies' school earlier in the year...they called in the swat team, dogs, locked all the kids in the gym for 4 hours, the whole deal. Scary stuff. turned out to be a hoax though, like most bomb threats. Gleneagle secondary in Coquitlam for those who live in the lower mainland in BC, it was all over the news

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Gleaneagle... I had volleyball provincials there 2 years ago thats interesting.

We had a bomb scare here about a month ago. Someone posted a note in the girls bathroom saying that a bomb would be set off in every stall at 10:15 the next day. At 10:00 the next day we had a "fire drill" not many people knew about it but a friend had told me about it. There was a police van circling everyone that was evacuated and I was surprised at the lack of care people were taking in this case, there were people playing basketball because we got evacuated into the basketball courts beside the school. A nervous time, but rumour had it that the girl that started it was moving that weekend and wanted to pull off some final huge prank or something <_<

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I just got home from my local rink, every Saturday night we have a clinic type thing that starts around 10:30 PM, right after open skating ends. It's not really much of a clinic, we basically just hang out and shoot around and we've got the entire rink to ourselves for pretty much the ENTIRE night, sometimes we've stayed there till 4am just messing around on the ice, playing 3on3, etc. It's a lot of fun.

Its kinda off topic, but that is what i would love to have.. a whole night to play hockey for fun and stuff :( -_-

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I guess at a place like that, it be a bit more scary than at a school. At a school, well, at my old school, bomb threats almost became routine. Everyone thought it was a joke, and we all looked forward to spending 6 hours on the football and soccer fields...could've turned into a similar situation to The boy who cried wolf.

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We had 2 of those when I was in High School, one was like a couple of days right after Columbine and the other one was like a month later, some guy just wanted to get some attention but he got caught right after he called the school, they still searched but they sent us back to our classes 30 min after they had sent us to the track and field.

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Here in NB, three kids we're plotting to blow up the school. They had all the equipment and macinery and everything. They got caught before it happened.

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