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SherWood 7000 = Louisville TPS?

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I used to use Louisville TPS sticks in the 90s. They were a little different from the others with their V-joint just above the blade-to-shaft tenon joint.

I was at the LHS the other week and saw some SherWood 7000s, and they had the same joint. However, the SherWood 5030s had their usual construction.

Could Louisville have contracted a factory to make the Louisville TPS sticks back then, and could SherWood have contracted the same factory to make the newer batch of 7000s? Or, is the V-joint a better manufacturing or performance design?

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
I used to use Louisville TPS sticks in the 90s. They were a little different from the others with their V-joint just above the blade-to-shaft tenon joint.

I was at the LHS the other week and saw some SherWood 7000s, and they had the same joint. However, the SherWood 5030s had their usual construction.

Could Louisville have contracted a factory to make the Louisville TPS sticks back then, and could SherWood have contracted the same factory to make the newer batch of 7000s? Or, is the V-joint a better manufacturing or performance design?

Sherwood owns its own factory. Louisville used to make their own wood sticks. They have been contracted out for about the past 4 years.

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I used to use Louisville TPS sticks in the 90s. They were a little different from the others with their V-joint just above the blade-to-shaft tenon joint.

I was at the LHS the other week and saw some SherWood 7000s, and they had the same joint. However, the SherWood 5030s had their usual construction.

Could Louisville have contracted a factory to make the Louisville TPS sticks back then, and could SherWood have contracted the same factory to make the newer batch of 7000s? Or, is the V-joint a better manufacturing or performance design?

Sherwood owns its own factory. Louisville used to make their own wood sticks. They have been contracted out for about the past 4 years.

Perhaps Sherwood is the company contracted by TPS?

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
I used to use Louisville TPS sticks in the 90s. They were a little different from the others with their V-joint just above the blade-to-shaft tenon joint.

I was at the LHS the other week and saw some SherWood 7000s, and they had the same joint. However, the SherWood 5030s had their usual construction.

Could Louisville have contracted a factory to make the Louisville TPS sticks back then, and could SherWood have contracted the same factory to make the newer batch of 7000s? Or, is the V-joint a better manufacturing or performance design?

Sherwood owns its own factory. Louisville used to make their own wood sticks. They have been contracted out for about the past 4 years.

Perhaps Sherwood is the company contracted by TPS?

Perhaps you are wrong... Look at the construction.

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OK Marcelo Cordoba: thanks for the confirmation. I might have to pick up a few for the spring season.

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