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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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washing equipment

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Yes, I would imagine so.

I would suggest cold water (I know - doesn't kill as much germs, but hot water might warp the plastic or make any foam rubber less resiliant - that's just my 2 cents, not basing it on anything scientific), delicate cycle. If your washer at home is too small, you could take it to one of those laudrymats (bigger machines).

Regardless, be sure to try to get a laundry detergent with some sort of anti-bacterial formula.

OR.... a friends wife washes his stuff in the dishwasher. Says it works great.

Another thought is that they're coming out with a lot of those "Locker Washer" machines. Looks like a big coke machine. You go and put the stuff inside the machine (on hooks/hangers), pop the quarters in, and wait...

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Well, opinions vary. I would not put them into a dryer if there was any sort of "Gel" padding inside, as the heat might screw it up.

I basically fill a tub with pretty hot water, pour around a quart of ammonia into the water, and let everything soak for about an hour to get the body acids out. Then I drain and fill the tub again for a rinse--stirring the stuff around a lot. I follow that with a sun dry if it is warm out. If they are really bad off, I wash them a 2nd time in the tub with some arm and hammer deoderizing detergent.

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I've washed pants. shoulders, elbows, and shinnys before. I put them in the washing machine (warm water delicate cycle w/ some detergent) then I hung everything up to air dry.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

I would say that this topic would have something to do with how good a SaniSport machine is...


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Esporta, went there first thing when the year started and my equipment(including gloves) still have a pepermint scent in them, costs about 70$ with your bag to get cleaned and I would recommend washing it before going on the ice for the first time and maybe halfway during the season.

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I would say that this topic would have something to do with how good a SaniSport machine is...


I think that the SaniSport is a great idea but here is another example of marketing. It is a well established fact in the medical literature that it takes 1,000,000 CFU in a wound before infection will occur. SO all that fancy data is smoke and mirrors!!!

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I would say that this topic would have something to do with how good a SaniSport machine is...


I think that the SaniSport is a great idea but here is another example of marketing. It is a well established fact in the medical literature that it takes 1,000,000 CFU in a wound before infection will occur. SO all that fancy data is smoke and mirrors!!!

I don't see anything misleading on the slide or even referencing "infection" at all. The slide's topic is odor reduction. Bacteria causes odors as well as infection.

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Great idea, i'll wash my stuff (also in the tub) when season ended.

Which kind of washing detergent would you recommend ?

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