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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are your pet peeves on certain players.

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Geez, I didn't get in on this early enough. Let's see...

My biggest pet peeve is the guy that always overstays his shift because he thinks he's better then everybody else. Drives me mad that does.

Also, do you refuse to pass because you think you can do it all by yourself? Well, you just made the list buddy.

Refuse to backcheck hard because then you'd get tired and wouldn't be able to stay out for 4 minutes? ...made the list.

I also hate guys that do somethin really stupid that costs the team a goal or scoring chance then try to blame it on you. For example... we were killing a penalty and I had an opportunity to get the puck deep and kill some time by carrying it into the corner... when I turned it over along the boards and went to backcheck, one of the other "really sucky thinks he's great" players is litereally standing behind the goal line waiting for god knows what... a blind centering pass while shorthanded? Anyway, he yelled at me for it. I hate that crap.

I hate it when people give me a hard time for trying new gear all the time. What buisiness is it of yours and are you jealous because I've got a few bucks or what?

I hate refs that don't know all the rules and make stuff up.

I hate players that don't know all the rules and try to convince the refs to make stuff up.

I hate (inline) refs that throw the puck down so hard for a faceoff that it bounces 3 feet in the air making it impossible to play the puck on the draw.

I hate goalies that always come out of the crease to pokecheck on breakaways even though they're easy to score on.

I could go on for days... :lol:

Edit: Thought of a few more...

Hate players that fake injuries for attention. I played with a goalie once who would pretend to be hurt if he was palying like crap and costing us the game.

I think wheel bags are gay (sorry chick) although goalies get a pass from me on this one because that's a ton of gear

I hate players who wind up to the ceiling on a slapshot only to throw some cheesy flutter puck at the net (if they even get the shot away before someone checks them)

I hate refs who ref only for the opportunity to assert some authority. These are the guys that refuse to laugh and will throw you straight out of the game if you look at them the wrong way

I hate guys that complain to me about my teamates being annoying or cheap as though I'm supposed to be sympathetic to there cause.

I'll add more when I think of them...

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i hate players who use WHEELIE BAGS AND HOCKEY BACK PACKS! and i a lso hate players who lift their jerseys a bit over their elbow pads, with that skin showing.
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You hate me then.. I use a roller hockey bag.. imma lazy chick after hockey.. last thing I wanna do is carry my wet heavy equipment :D

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I agree with you on the whole goalies playing overly aggresive part. I was skating in on a breakaway and the goalie came out to poke check. Well He went sideways and completely tripped me. I went flying over his body shoulder first, and this was inline and we don't where shoulder pads. I got lucky and just had a huge bruise. Plus he didn't get a penalty at all. That pissed me off.

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Guest phillyfan
I hate it when people give me a hard time for trying new gear all the time. What buisiness is it of yours and are you jealous because I've got a few bucks or what?[/QUOTE]

Ditto! I don't try all of the new gear, but because I have options and am able to where a different pair of gloves or a different stick every practice to find the right one, everyone thinks I am rich.

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Is it necesary to quote his entire, long, post just to make your reply. Teammates think I'm rich cause I have two pairs of skates and two OPS at all times. Its so much nicer to be able to wear different skates for close games in a tournament or whatever.

I hate kids that use shoelaces around their shinguards instead of tape.

Kids that have no idea where the bag is when they carry it so they're constantly hitting you/other people around

I hate that they raised a bottle of pop from $1 to $1.25 at my rink :(

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  ChickWithAStick said:
i hate players who use WHEELIE BAGS AND HOCKEY BACK PACKS! and i a lso hate players who lift their jerseys a bit over their elbow pads, with that skin showing.
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You hate me then.. I use a roller hockey bag.. imma lazy chick after hockey.. last thing I wanna do is carry my wet heavy equipment :D

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lol, i dont mean to be sexist; but i doesnt bug me when girls use roller bags (i see it all the time). But sometimes you get these big tough looking guys, rolling their bag :unsure:

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I hate when girls go out and play and then try to act overly feminine out there and get pissed when you hit them or yell at them "because they're a girl."

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  kosydar said:
I hate when girls go out and play and then try to act overly feminine out there and get pissed when you hit them or yell at them "because they're a girl."
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me too... being in a women's league .. you hear "oh she hooked me" "she slashed me" "she hit me" .. my response is always "Listen it's hockey, quit yer complaining or join a figure skating club"

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  Eagles39 said:
My rink is extremely poor.  We are almost bankrupt. $2.25 for a powerade/$3.00 for a bottle of coke.
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That's the way to get people to buy more... :unsure:

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i'd say as a winger the thing i hate most more than anything is when the D-man just wings the puck around the boards without looking when he has time to make a crisp pass and you either get nailed or almost nailed. i'm not saying im a pussy but c'mon, take a hit to make a play.

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Mac, I know exactly what you mean. they just wing it up the boards, so you have to turn your back to get the puck and you dont know if you have enough time to look up for someone whos open withotu getting crushed. I usualy just chip it off so its about 2 feet outside the blue line. that way at least they have to regroup.

Anyways, i have another one to add to the list. People Who slash your stick and try to break it on perpose. It happend to me tonight, but if he wants to mess with me and break my 200$ sticks i can bite back. Next time ill use my wooden stick, bye bye to his synergy, maybe next time he will think twice.

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Guest phillyfan

crosskore:That's the same assumption some of my teamates are trapped into believing. I have the same handful of sticks, I alternate every practice or so. You'd think they would notice after seeing a trend. Same with gloves, have 2 pairs I use on and off, two different team colors, oone more comfortable than the other so I use them during practice.

fireonice:I meant to delete the quote, and just use the text in bold, thanks.

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  mac said:
i'd say as a winger the thing i hate most more than anything is when the D-man just wings the puck around the boards without looking when he has time to make a crisp pass and you either get nailed or almost nailed. i'm not saying im a pussy but c'mon, take a hit to make a play.
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So you're saying he should take a hit to make the play so you don't have to do the same thing? If the guy's just looking to run you, come back to the puck or tip it and spin out of the way. You have more options than the defenseman who isn't sure how close the forechecker is.

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I've been groomed as a defensman my whole life (and love it), but I don't understand you forwards who say we should take the hits to make the plays. We or good defensemen, are always physically active and never trying to put the forwards in danger. If they ring the puck it's because they feel it is a better play, never because I'm afraid of taking a hit. Don't forget along the boards the D has a 3 foot gap to close to make the hit on the winger, alot of times the forwards have from the blueline in to take a run at the defenseman too.

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I hate when your skating it in, especially on the PP, and the person dumps it cross ice. Its such a bitch because even if you skate your ass off, you usually won't get to it.

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I gotta pull my jersey over my elbow pads, just more comfy on the wrists to not have the sleeve in my glove.

Also, I have to pull my socks down because I tape my shin's to my heels, over the tongues.

And to top it off I tuck in the left side, cause its my top hand, and I started doing it when I was about 9.

As for what I hate:

Big shoulder pads and tiny shin pads. Looks top heavy. Especially if they leave the shins inside the tongues.

Guys that rifle the puck away as soon as it touches their stick. Man that just drives me.

Guys who get caught out of position. It happens to everyone, but not staying in your box on a pk frustrates me.

Defensive minded hockey for the whole game. Its a fast and exciting game, why ruin it by playing between the blue lines. I'd rather lose 6-5 than 1-0.

Ville Niemenen's expressions every time he gets on the ice. Dude looks like a horse. Or that he's in a ton of pain. :blink:

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  kosydar said:
  Ryan_04 said:
- People that think they know alot about hockey equipement, but they actaully don't. Especially when they won't except the fact that there wrong when I correct them.
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Ever think that they might feel the same way about you?

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Yes, but when I don't know something for sure, I'll let the person know that I'm not 100% positive about what I'm talking about. Also, i'm not going to be a dick if I'm wrong about something.

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