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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Either these are really rare............

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I remember those, If I recal they were on all the Air 90's, the Air 70's were white and the 50's black. Not 100% sure though.

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i like the way he has the steel resting on bricks...makes me want them :wacko:

Obviously you'd get them sharpened before you use them. Those things are pretty sick lookin skates to me for some reason.

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Nah, I had a pair of retail Air 90's and they did not have that outsole...........extremely comfortable boots.

The ones that were at my LHS when they were all like those.

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If you read the entire page, it says they're Pro Stock (made for a Vancouver player). So you never would have seen these exact skates at retail...

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If I remember well, they weren't comp outsoles and they aren't marked anywhere in the description, the comp colour was dotted, and from the pic looks like comp but it's really white and grey dotted.

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those look pretty strange what ever they are. the comp part just looks tacked on there. what would the advantage be for these skates over the regular airs? didn't they already have a composite footbed?

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