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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cell Phone Tone

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Hey guys,

Just got a new cell phone!!!! I have always gone for the cheapest one knowing I would get a new one in a year anyways, but this time I spent some money. It is actually the first flip phone I have ever had. I am in that initial “excitement†phase of downloading ring tones and playing games. I have been told that there are easier ways to do this rather than doing it over your phone….? I was told downloading MIDI tones and emailing it to my phone? Any one heard of this? And if there is not an easier way, anyone have any suggestions on what program or website is the best for purchasing tones?

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it is a VX7000 Verizone phone.

It is not USB connection, so I am assuming bluetooth. I have no idea what bluetooth is though :P , but it is a standerd connection that most flip phones have.

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Im pretty sure it has bluetooth lego...I have the downgraded version and I love it....Try these web-sites:



And I'm assuming your service plan is under Version Wireless right?

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I'm pretty sure your phone doesn't have bluetooth. So you might be only left with having to download them from sites or email them to yourself.

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I have no idea what bluetooth is though  :P

Bluetooth is a radio frequency based cable replacement technology. It is designed to be an inexpensive wireless personal networking system for all classes of portable devices such as laptops, PDA`s mobile phones and headsets. Bluetooth can also replace cabling in a more static environment i.e. between desktop computers and printers.

yea i copied that

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