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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I recenly bought World of Warcraft and I have to say, this is the best game I have ever played. I am absolutly addicted to it, luckly its spring break for me. I've always loved the Warcraft series and I thought I would just try it for the trial month at leased, and I dont regret buying it one bit.

I was just wondering if anybody else plays or is going to in the near future.

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Hey i recently bought this game and i installed it fine and everything, created an acount, but when i download the patch it takes for ever. I looked on the world warcraft help page but i didnt find out why its going slow. Any one else have this problem. I'm thinking it's just cause we have dial-up internet.

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yeah the patch took like 45 mins for me. i played it for a month, didnt do any homework, and lost alot of sleep, so i decided to cancel it. haha.


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I'm a 21 undead warrior on Stormreaver. WoW does ruin your life, so if you have one either be prepared to lose it or dont get the game...it also posses you with a deep hatred for the other side, in my case, the alliance.

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My god a few kids I know play and this is basically all they do. They go to school come home and play it until 2 am then go to sleep. 3 of them are already level 60 in more than 1 character and I guess you cant go past that or something? Like it just stops there or something..they were trying to explain it to me one day but I wasnt really paying attention. And I guess some kid was all obsessed with getting his horse or something at level 30 or something like that. I dont remember all I know is Im not buying it because this game sounds way too time consuming.

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a lot of friends of ,ine play it but i dont like this genre... but it looks very neat.

I posted this on Posted: Mar 29 2005, 04:24 PM and since 2 months im on the bandwagon.

I started it with a friend of mine during the summer break, its kinda cool.

Human Warrior on some Euro Server

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