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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need some help on my car...if anyone on here is good with cars, or knows a good resource to find some information, that would be some great help.

My problem is this: I need to find voltage settings/ranges for the MAFS on a '91 Nissan Stanza, KA24E engine, 2.4L L4...and also if there are any settings for the Throttle Position Sensor...not sure if there are or not. I think that somewhere in the throttle body is causing my problems, my friend agrees & can test it, but needs to know the ranges. I can't find them online anywhere...and can't find them in the Chilton manual either. There's gotta be specs for these somewhere I would think. Please help, thank you.

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What exactly is your problem?

Typically a MAF or a MAP sensor run on a 0-5V window, the only problem is instead of being a linear representation of airflow/pressure vs. voltage it's exponential, which makes everything really tricky. TPS is almost always 0-1V and a linear relationship. That's about the best I can do, sorry.

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you need the factory repair manual for your car for those numbers. Keep lookin around online, you can usually find the factory repair manuals in PDF form on user forums. If not, check ebay, although the factory repair manuals can run upwards of $100+, you can prob score a burnt cd w/ the pdf's for a few bucks.

Another option: try your local nissan dealer, their shop may be kind enough to make you copies of the charts you need. good luck!!

ps-if you do a lot of work on your car, i strongly suggest gettin your hands on the factory repair cd or book. If you like tinkering w/ cars, the manual will save you hundreds if not thousands of $$ down the road. it shows you how to take the entire friggin car apart down to the plastic tabs that hold your interior pieces on. Screw those chiltons and hayes manuals, they suck!

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I did some digging up in a friends tune for his car (using AEM) and I found the settings for a 240SX MAF, which I am almost certain is the exact same as your MAF, since they both used the same engines. I don't know how much this helps you, but apparently the Nissan MAF's do run linearly. Could just be that they're designed with small injectors, the only MAF's i've dealt with are ones for 700+ CC injectors, so it could just be that you need to have an exponential relationship with massive injectors to get them to idle. I can pull up this data for you in graphical form if you need the exact values or think they'll help you at all.


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well...i'm not 100% sure what my problem is...the timing chain was replaced recently (i have just bought the car)...and i'm not sure if the timing is still out or if there's more to it...basically it doesn't idle steady & sputters & jerks while you drive. Now, the sputtering & jerking stops while you accelerate & have the pedal pushed down...but as you let up on the gas pedal to maintain speed (say...60 mph on the highway in 5th gear) the sputtering & jerking starts again. Also, you CANNOT floor the thing...doesn't matter what RPM's you're at...2500, or 4000...if you try to floor it...it just stops (doesn't die...just chokes up & doesn't do anything but let the engine slow you down)...also, the engine does not like to accelerate over 3400 RPM's or so...it does the same thing as when you floor it...just chokes up...

I don't work on cars much, or know a whole lot about them. But, I have friends who do, and the ones that know some things think that it's a air/fuel mess-up somewhere...it has new plugs, wires...and all the other crap for a tune-up.

The best way to describe the problem: When you're just driving down the highway, any gear, any speed, it feels like taking off in 1st gear with someone who doesn't know how to drive a stick very well. It idles...doesn't die...

But I know how to drive a stick & it gives me whiplash to & from work...lol :huh:

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If your MAF sensor turns out to be OK, and

if it is mounted between the air filter and the throttle,

perhaps there is a leak in the air intake tube between the air filter and the throttle, or the air intake tube is loose...

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