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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tackla Pants

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what is the difference between the Tackla 5000 pant and the Tackla 9000 pant? They look about the same. Looking for a pair of pants for my squirt age son. He currently has a pair of cheaper Tackla pants, which he likes, but has outgrown.

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Which 5000? There are two. The standard 5000 and the 5000X (or pro, which is their best pant)

THe difference between the 5000 and the 9000 is, the 5000 are lighter and the 9000 has an air padding system.

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not to jump off topic too much but JR, I was in peranis last week and the "Vaughn" rep was there with new Tackla pants that are supposedly replacing the 900's. Do you have these yet? I forget what # they are.. I saw them and I wanted to get a blue pair :D


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I wouldn't know, as the 900s are SMUs.

Jeffg - I think it would be. Look into the 1400s. They look like 9000s, however are 420 denier and it's light on the wallet. My old store ordered them with zippers and I believe they sell them for $70 or so.

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