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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Equipment '05

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Ok, so i just got RBK's 2005 equipment "pamphlet" they sent me in the mail today (im guessin all USA hockey members,) and as i flipped through their little packet, i noticed that almost all their gear is the exact same as another brands model, just with different logos (yes, i know CCM was bought by RBK.) So, i'm going to provide a list of all their gear, and say what i think they are similar to. You can agree or disagree, or any type of general discussion. PS my bad if this is already in another thread, you can suspend my posting privliges if it is haha.

8K Helmet: This seems pretty original to me. slight, i mean slight resemblance to 8000 helmet (not really, but its tech words like "fitclip" and "microdial" sound like 8000 stuff too.

8K Skates: looking at the picture and the description, these seem to me to be EXACTLY, i mean EXACTLY CCM Vector Pro's. RIGHT down to the Skatelock. (im thinking about getting vector pro's, maybe i should get the RBKs so i can be like "im RBK bitch!"

7K Stick: again, seems pretty original.

8K glove: looks new too, maybe a ccm pro tack (i dont know their gloves that well)

8K pants: seems like a "fully customizeable" version of the CCM pro tacks (are pro tacks customizeable? im thinking about getting those)

8k shoulder pads: same as some high end jofa one (it says jofa on it)

8k Shin and elbows: see shoulder pads above.

Premeir golie crap: no idea, im not a goalie.

Performance apparel: not underarmor, maybe just same as CCM stuff if CCM makes performance apparel.

Thanks! tell me your opinions too!

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