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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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which are the best gloves out there? im looking in the eagle direction but not sure what to get. I am willing to try any glove but they gotta be good.

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Easton Z-airs are very good. Plus you will probbly be able to find them for dirt cheap online. Misson also makes great gloves and their HE 750's are very light.

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Again, it's going to be personal preference. I like my Eagle X70's because of the goat palm and the one-piece fingers. I hate the three piece index gloves like the new mission gloves, but you may like them

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if possible im going to try get some with more wrist protection... never tried 3 peice... dont like mission that much.. was looking at some easton airs, eagle sentry/h34 well the whole eagle line basically, oakly mace.

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Again, it's going to be personal preference. I like my Eagle X70's because of the goat palm and the one-piece fingers. I hate the three piece index gloves like the new mission gloves, but you may like them

What do you like about the one piece finger?

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I haven't been hit in the knuckles since. :D

Seriously though, it's just a comfort issue for me, just feels better. I have a hard time with gloves, as I have short,stubby fingers and the one piece finger feels a little more taut along the finger when I grip my stick as compared to the three-piece fingers. I know the first response to that statement will be "buy smaller gloves then", but my palms are fairly normal sized, making smaller gloves dig in between the fingers, despite feeling good lengthwise on my fingers

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