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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm sure this has been done a billion times on the board already, but I need help. My wife is having trouble with her Labeda wheels losing their grip, and I need to find something super grippy for her. Seeing as how shes 5'4" 120, and I'm 5'9" 225, I can't run with my personal choice as much as I'd like to, because we may be back in the same boat in five more games. She really needs something grippy first time, and still grippy for her a month from now. Any help would be appreciated


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Here's my two cents coming from a 5'10, 160-170 lb-er.....

I was a Labeda guy for a long time. Used the old Bad Boyz, then the Grippers (back when they were introduced as the white "Gripper Snappers"), then onto the Milleniums. I never did use the Dynastys. Labeda wheels are excellent wheels but my gripe was that they seemed to lose their stickiness quickly.

I tried RinkRat Hornets out early last year (and have since been using Hotshots) and the biggest asset that I've gotten out of the wheels is their longevity. Now I have had problems with cracking, especially the rear wheels. But overall they seem to maintain that "newness" grip much longer than anything else I've used and that's pretty much what I look for in a wheel.

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what is she using now?

Purple Milleniums that came on her Silvermax skates. A little company called Cyko makes a decent wheel called the Blue Ice wheel, but I want to see if there are any other really good options for her. Revision has caught my eye, but I've not heard a whole lot. RR are always good, but again I want to see what some of the lighter players on the board would recommend.

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Id take a look at the RR Hornets. Mine are still very grippy and I have had them since x-mas. I play 2-3 times a week on sportcourt. Dynastyes are also a great wheel.

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So I can assume that the Hornets are the general consensus even with how light she is? That's what it seems like, so we might try that unless anyone else has any other suggestions. I've been pretty disappointed in Labeda for the last couple yrs, so those recommendations are being taken with a grain of salt. RR, Revision and Kryptonics Wicked Stickies are the three I'm considering seriously, but noone has commented on Revision as of yet. Leaning towards Hot Shots over Hornets though, as she isn't hard on wheels (yet)

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yea the hot shots are a good wheel and for a lighter person who doesnt tear up wheels it would be perfect. i am heavy and terrible on wheels so i went with the hornets

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Revisions haven't been tested very thoroughly on the board yet. I'd love to give them a go, but they aren't in my area. I'd stick to RR Hornets or some Halo's for the little lady. Both seem to give a bigger "footprint" and superior grip than other wheels. Try searching for Revision and sending the member a PM about their beliefs on them.

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