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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rink rat blue flame wheels

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I've went from Hot Shots to the Blue Flame, so I don't know how they compare to Hornets. The Blue Flame wheel has a great feel to it though, and there is some noticable difference between the two. The difference between the Blue Flame and the Hot Shot is like the difference between the Hot Shot and Millenium wheels, they're just better.

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I thought the Blue flames were just a minihub version of the Hornets...

I checked the RinkRat website, but could not confirm this. The site says the Hornets are the best, but the blueflames were lighter, both however have a 50mm hub. :huh:

Maybe Mike from RR will chime in to help you out.

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The PF10's are amazing in and of themselves. That's what I'm skating on right now, and the blue flames felt fantastic last night for the first time I actually skated hard in them

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The PF10's are amazing in and of themselves. That's what I'm skating on right now, and the blue flames felt fantastic last night for the first time I actually skated hard in them

Lucky man. The 10's werent available before x-mas, therefore I had to get the 8's, not like Im suffereing though......... Are the 10s way lighter than the 8's?

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The entire CCM line feels light this yr, compared to my Stingers anyway. But when I hold my PF4's in one hand, and the 10's in the other, it is a noticeable difference. The biggest difference I felt wasn't holding them though, it was how much more movement and response I felt in them. Stingers weren't bad skates at all, and were fairly light compared to other skates I've had, but the 10's are perfect. I'm really glad I couldn't find a new pair of Stingers when I needed new skates, and went with CCM again.

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