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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 2005 Synergy 1100 skate fit ?

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Does any one know how the 2005 easton synergy line of skates fit in general?Are they a wider fitting skate like the ccm tack line or narrower like the bauer line?

Thanks in advance

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I can't wear a D in the Easton skates from a couple years ago, not sure how they are for '05. They weren't as wide as CCMs were.

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i heard those skates were really uncomfortable to wear casue you cant really break the boot in becasue its a composite boot so the only thing you can do is break in the lining on the inside of the boot

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Based on the '04 Synergy skates I had, I found the fit to be similar to that of my E-60's. Also, once the ankle problem went away after the first month they were one of the most comfortable skates I had ever worn.

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Based on the '04 Synergy skates I had, I found the fit to be similar to that of my E-60's. Also, once the ankle problem went away after the first month they were one of the most comfortable skates I had ever worn.

Your inner ankle bones? That is where mine were bothering me.

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