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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Windows Media Player

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What operating system?


Nevermind, just open WMP and go to Tools, Options, File types.

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do you mean like when you open an a .mp3 it opens windows media rather than realplayer for example? just right click on the file you want it to always start with windows media->Open With-> Choose Program-> Windows Media Player-> Check off Always use with this type of file-> OK

hope thats what you ment

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Got it going, but after watching that stupid 50 cent video and switching it back to "all", its using WMP, but opening things in the same window.... any advice?

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Here's a somewhat related question: How do I get a song I got from iTunes to play in Winamp? It won't read right for whatever reason.

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it should work if you drag and drop the song into your minmp "my shared folder" then turn off winmp restart it and it should be in there, if it doesnt work then you should try restarting your computer, it should work after that.

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