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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Z Air comp 03

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One of my LHS has a pair of these in my size for 50% off. I'm not big on Easton, but these fit pretty well, and was wondering what experiences the rest of you had, and if this would be a worthwhile skate to purchase

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They aren't the SE, but they do seem rock solid. I just don't want a fall apart skate, and haven't really heard much either way about Easton really.

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they are pretty durable skates. the only thing that i personally dont like about them is the razor blade holders that come with them. you may find you like them, but if not they can easily be switched for another holder

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right on

what does everybody think about the parabolic holder that comes on there? any issues I should know about before buying them? Maybe look at Tuuks or something?

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I'm a big fan of Easton skates, I have Z-Airs for both Ice and Roller. My only knock on them in the Holders, they like a previous poster stated leave alot to be desired. Since I play more Roller than Ice, i put up with the crappy holders but if it was the other way around and I played more Ice I would definately get the holders changed.

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