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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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adding flex

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the past year ive been using a 75 flex easton stick and its been perfect but since all the intermediate easton sticks this year are 65 they seem to be to whippy for me but im not tall enough to keep a full lengh 85 flex stick so i have to cut it which makes it to stiff. so i was wondering if theres anyway to add flex to a stick but keep the same height like say i was to get a 65 stealth is it possible to cut it 2 inches then put a bigger butt end in it to keep the height the same? because ive heard for ever inch of graphite you cut you lose 10 flex. thanks

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Putting a plug in will negate any stiffness from cutting it down. Doesn't Bauer still have 77 as INT and a senior 77 this year? TPS has whip flex. Try other brands if they don't make the proper flex for you.

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well its not quite 10 flex, most say around 4% per inch. i think your best bet would be switch to tps, bauer, or mission intermediate. or wait for old models to go on clearance.

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why are they making intermedietes 65 now, i remember when my old old junior ultra-lite was 65 flex, and i snapped it within 2 months being only about 100 pounds :o

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