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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My sister, and brother-in-law are about to, or in the process of getting a divorce. Being as close as I am to them, I can't let them seperate knowing of all the good times they've had, their children, and the fact that they both still love each other. The reason for their divorce, well I'd rather not get into that but it is a decent reason from my sisters point of view, but see, well I can't really explain it without getting into it deeply. Anyway, me and my mother are trying to help save their marriage, by any means possible. We are planning on inviting them over to talk, and see what can be done. (Brother in law has already moved out, and sister has found a house.) We want to talk about their problems, what can be done to resolve those, and if given the chance, would they make all the wrongs right. By the way, they have two beautiful daughters, one whom cries everynight for her father and the other who wets the bed... One tool I was hoping to use was a picture slideshow of all the good times, some funny, some cheerful. I want to play some songs along with the show, to make it more emotional and get them thinking. I have 1 or 2 songs that go really well with certain groups of pictures, R Kelly's I believe I can fly and Jack Johnsons Good people. Was thinking about their wedding song too, but have to ask the mother about that. I'm looking for some slow, cheerful, and powerful songs. Nothing too high, and stupid, nothing too low and extremely depressing, but a song that somehow stands for love, or...I don't know, need help guys and gals... Sorry for the read, and thanks in advance.

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one thing that comes to mind right away is "leaving on a jet plane", though... i'm not sure if it's entirely appropriate because i'm only 15...

one thing is, there's a lot of different versions so you could probably find one that would suit your needs

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Ohh I have the perfect song. It's called "Around the Clock" by The Rocket Summer. It is about wanting to be with each other all the time. Wicked sweet song, I think you should give it a listen, see if it works with what you are trying to do.

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Honestly, they should go to counseling together. They have to resolve their issues, not bury them and have them come up again later.

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I'll take a look at those songs. Without getting into the issues too much, that is partly why this divorce is a divorce. Long story short, bi-polar symptoms, 1 side happy and loving, next side paranoid, jealous, and angry. Counseling was suggested, apparently the not so good side was present, and things escalated from there...

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