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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector PF6 skates or any 05 vector skate

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Does anyboy have the Vector series skates for roller this year? If you do are they comfortable, durable and are they pretty wide? I'm gonna try out new skates this year. And just wanted to know.

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I have the PF8's, and love them. Very comfortable, light, and durabilty seems fine with them ( had them since x-mas). And yes the boot does seem little wider the most.

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I have the PF8's, and love them. Very comfortable, light, and durabilty seems fine with them ( had them since x-mas). And yes the boot does seem little wider the most.

Awesome, if you have tried missions before does it seem on par with a size D?

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A bit wider than Missions D. I have both PF4 and PF10 skates. Both have been fantastic skates, and I have duck feet, so that's hard for me to come by.

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I've been looking at getting the PF8 for off ice training. I currently wear 652P tacks 10D. I'm hoping that same size will fit me in the Vector since no one in Houston has any to try on.

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I've got the PF8s as well (10 D), and if I compare them to my 652s (also 10 D) they are a little wider but not by a lot. I think you'll be alright, but don't take my word for it as everybody's foot is different.

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