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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken Patriot

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I broke the blade of my intermediate patriot and i am wondering where to cut it so i can put a standard blade in it. For now i just flipped the shaft over but i know that messes up the flew point.

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Not sure where to cut it, but what I did with other OPS's I didn't know where to cut I held the stick with 2 fingers by the blade and then tapped down the blade then eventually getting to the shaft and when it sounded hollow thats where I cut. It's where the foam ends or ABS ends. It saved me chizeling and worked quite well. I don't know the taper of the patriot so the foam may end way after the taper needed for a tapered blade or just may make the shaft way too short to use.

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For now i just flipped the shaft over but i know that messes up the flew point.

flex point is really where your lower hand is. don't worry about it. the flipped over shaft will work just fine.

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For now i just flipped the shaft over but i know that messes up the flew point.

flex point is really where your lower hand is. don't worry about it. the flipped over shaft will work just fine.

There never was a big performance boost from that shaft. I loved the feel though.

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from what i understand the patriot is better of broken... am i right? ;)

I liked mine back when I still used the drury style curves.

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