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Cage Visability: What Can I do?

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I have a CCM helmet with a black cage. What can I do to increase my visabilty? has anyone painted the bars around the eyes white?

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You will be made fun of until you cry, then get the shit kicked out of you if you do that.

I didnt say I was going to do it. ;)

I am tempted to get a clear visor but everyone I know says they scratch too easily. I never wear a cage now I have too, so I am sure it takes time to adjust.

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Bauer tru vison and any other chrome cages are good for visiblity. The best is visor but the fogging is not too good. Another thing, ppl i have talked to really like the jofa cages cuz the wire is spread far apart so u can see through it better

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If you did paint it, you might as well paint the whole thing white.

You may want to check out the Itech I2 cage.

White blends in with the surface and is easier on the eyes, black absorbs glare.

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Guest 2048
You will be made fun of until you cry, then get the shit kicked out of you if you do that.

That's a stupid thing to say.

I saw a guy at an open hockey who had done that to his cage. Painted the inside white and really liked the visibility. Left the outside black though.

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Yeah its dumb but it will happen, Im a teenager and I know teenagers. There are alot of guys that would tease you so much and if they were playing against you it would be a reason to go after you. Sorry for saying something so outlandish in the first place.

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I wore a clear cage for 7 years and 2 years ago when I decided to go with a cage I picked the chrome CCM/Jofa. The bars, I find are spread out and the transition was easy.

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watch tv...it may seem stupid but it helps you see around the bars and once your on the ice you begin not to notice them once you begin to play...ive done it with my goalie helmet to adjust from cats eye to standard ect...

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If you don't want to replace the cage with something else paint the whole thing. Try a flat white or gray, it will help reduce the glare and blends in with the ice. just make sure you prepare and paint it correctly. I can give you some tips if you'd like.

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I have the same helmet, and i went from a black cage to a silver, and i cant even tell the bars are there. Very big difference....

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If you don't want to replace the cage with something else paint the whole thing. Try a flat white or gray, it will help reduce the glare and blends in with the ice. just make sure you prepare and paint it correctly. I can give you some tips if you'd like.

Yeah I should of said that if I painted it I would paint the entire cage. Thanks for the useful replies. I'll let you know if I need any help.Thanks a lot. :)

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A white jofa works fine for me. It blends in perfectly and I never notice it like I did a black Bauer.

Where did you get a white cage??? I've been looking for one for weeks but can't find them anywhere. Thanks in advance.

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I have the Itech Combo Deluxe Senior and find that it's been all scratched up after one season. I've babied it pretty good too. I advise go with the Itech FX50 Optech and take out the visor. That way you're left with a half chrome cage on the bottom, clear forward vision, and enough protection that it'll be hard to slash your face because the bottom will block most sticks that are coming up.

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