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How does glove sizing

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Perhaps someone can clarify to me how to measure glove length. When a manufacturer states that their glove is 14", from where are they measuring? I always thought it was the length. The only way I can get the measurements to work out with my gloves which im quite sure are 14s is to start at the base of my index finger, wrap it around the tip and down back to the cuff. Any ideas?


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They all fit differently, try them on.

Chadd is correct, one 14" will feel and fit way different than another. Got to try them on.

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It's supposed to be the measurement from the tip of your middle finger to mid section of your forearm, or roughly the ending of your elbow pad.

However, as stated previously, the actual style of the glove could throw this method right out the window

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I had a pair of Easton GX4000's that were 14.5"/35cm ....

My current Easton Synergy's are 14"/36cm

The Easton rep said the glove is measured from tip of the finger to the bottom cuff which didn't answer why 14.5"=35cm when 14"=36cm?? :ph34r:

Basically, every glove is different and you should try on as many different kinds (even same brand). The Synergy's are shorter in the cuff but way more flexible on top.

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I had a pair of Easton GX4000's that were 14.5"/35cm ....

My current Easton Synergy's are 14"/36cm

The Easton rep said the glove is measured from tip of the finger to the bottom cuff which didn't answer why 14.5"=35cm when 14"=36cm?? :blink:

Basically, every glove is different and you should try on as many different kinds (even same brand). The Synergy's are shorter in the cuff but way more flexible on top.

Because the GX4000 are older, Easton had a different sizing method at the time. I remember they always had 13.5, 14.5, and 15.5 gloves. But two or three years ago they kept the same actual size of the gloves, but moved the numbers down .5". So 14.5 became 14, but stayed the same actual size.

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