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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative True-1

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it seems to be the weave, which is probably "softer" or looser than other weaves, to give it better feel.

Price is the only thing stopping me from getting one, because my parents don't like the internet thing, where you can find them for $100 USD. the regular true-1s and all black grip true-1s are going for 300 and 320 CAN at my lhs :(

Where can you find true 1s on line for 100$?

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the xxx is a true one just bauer put a cover on the front and back of the blade to cover the weave. thats where if you look at the top of the blade u see the same weave pattern as that of a true 1

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it seems to be the weave, which is probably "softer" or looser than other weaves, to give it better feel.

Price is the only thing stopping me from getting one, because my parents don't like the internet thing, where you can find them for $100 USD.  the regular true-1s and all black grip true-1s are going for 300 and 320 CAN at my lhs :(

Where can you find true 1s on line for 100$?

well, they were at $120 at peranis i think.... but that was a long time ago

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