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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SRS hockey?

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Yestreday i was looking through my hockey news magazine and i found this ad about repairing broken shafts. I was wondering if anyone else saw this ad our has tried there product. they have a site but it hasn't launched yet. www.srshockey.com


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Yeah, they can fix the shafts of one peices, as in put them back together. A one peice is no differnt then a normal shaft. Stickfix in located in Calgary can fix blades to.

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thats cool....how much do they charge?

i found a broken synergy wich is broken right in the middle of the shaft... can they put it back together and will it be very durable?

will the flex be stiffer?

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Stickfix can fix it, and they point were it is fixed has a 30 day warenty. I dont know how much it costs though. I cant remember.

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stick fix, charges like $60 canadian, and gives you a 30 day warranty on the spot the fixed. and if the stick breaks elsewhere, its only $30.

i like when they wrap the blades with the composite stuff. it makes the blade so stiff.

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The guy at my LHS said the flex would stay the same as if it was still one piece. The just cut the two broken ends square, put like a foam extension to connect the two pieces. Than they take out the end cap and pour a special resin the goes down and absorbs into the foam extension thing. It taks I thnk 24 hours to dry.

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