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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi. :unsure:

Im kinda new into hockey and quite too shy to ask people how to do this and that.

So i would like to have some tips (maybe an online guide with pics) for shooting, i mean wristers n slappers.

Some facts and things i have to do and take care of when shooting (and scoring :lol:)

I want to practise it on my own and when i know like the basics i want to ask people to help me.

I know that making mistakes is just normal.. but i wanna try it and know the motion and some other stuff ;)

When i know this, i promise, to ask someone who can help me on-ice.

Thanks. B)

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Having the right lie is crucial. Otherwise, you will be fanning on the puck and not putting any real power into the shot.

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The first site is very nice. Thanks

How can i find the perfect/optimal lie ?

is that also personal perference ?


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just experiment with different sticks. if there is more wear at the back of the blade, go to a lower lie. if af the front, go higher.

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The first site is very nice. Thanks

How can i find the perfect/optimal lie ?

is that also personal perference ?


You can tell if you have a proper lie or not if most of the wear on the bottom of the blade is towards the middle of the blade.

It's all personal preference.

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