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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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380 Int. Inno 1100 Dual-Fit

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I'm in the market for new sticks (ended up not getting the Stealths the other night, as I am not sure I would like the 85 flex, especially after I cut them down the way I do...). I really, really, really loved the True-1s that I bought last year, so naturally, I have been giving Innos alot of thought - namely the tapered 1100 shafts. I realize that alot of you will say that a 17 year old should not be using the 380 flex, but I just LOVE whippy shafts, and they will probably end up losing a bit of flex when I cut them down to my chest...

I was just wondering which (tapered) blade would fit in the 380 Dual-Fit. I'm assuming that I would still be able to slip Senior tapered Inno blades in them, but since they're "Intermediate" shafts, I would just like to be sure before I buy them. Also, I was wondering if there is a large difference in the shaft radius of the Senior and the Intermediate 1100s. Thanks, folks ;)

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I had an intermediate 380 flex Inno tapered Novius and it fit senior blades. It had senior dimensions, but was about 2 or 3 inches shorter than a senior shaft. I would think that the 380 flex dual fit would be the same, but I could be wrong.

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I was looking at the Int 1100 myself, but I'm also not sure on what size blades would fit. Does anyone know how the synthesis blades would fit in the int? I've searched before, but after going through 40 pages worth of threads, I couldn't find a straight answer.

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My int synthesis blade doesn't fit in a int 1100 I haven't tried a jr tho.

Darn. Looks like the 300 is my only option. Okay, how would a sr synthesis fit in the 1100? I would've looked at just using the inno blades, but I don't want the long hosel. It would affect how long my stick would be if I ever decided to try a blade from a different company. What makes it worse is that inno blades are hard to come by at LHS. :( Does anyone know for sure what blades fit fine in the sr/int 1100s?

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According to an old Innovative catalog and their website, intermediate 380 flex shafts fit senior blades.

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According to an old Innovative catalog and their website, intermediate 380 flex shafts fit senior blades.

That's pretty strange that blues_91 managed to only fit jr blades then. Could it be that the R2 blades were mislabeled as jr?

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When I bought my Inno 1100 (380 flex, not marked as dual-fit though), the LHS put a Sr. Synthesis in the shaft, and it fit fine. Swapped it out for a Sr. Bauer 7500 today, and that appeared to fit fine as well, though I haven't gotten a chance to skate with it yet.

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