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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm not good at it and need help. I need a min. of 45 lines of poetry in 3 or more poems, but I can't even get one! I don't need a whole poem, just something to get me started. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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I preferred the random thought and broken cadence type of stuff. My teachers always wanted rhyming and rythmic stuff.

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I preferred the random thought and broken cadence type of stuff. My teachers always wanted rhyming and rythmic stuff.

I can't stand that stuff. I hate it. It makes no sense to even call it poetry. It's just random thoughts. For some reason it pisses me off, so I won't write that. I like the humorous stuff. I wrote a 40-liner already so I should be good. Once I got started it just kept rolling.

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we had to write like 20 different poems this year at my school.....they are the stupidest things on eath....atleast when u HAVE to write them.....they sund better when they are just naturraly thaught of, rather then forced writing

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we had to write like 20 different poems this year at my school.....they are the stupidest things on eath....atleast when u HAVE to write them.....they sund better when they are just naturraly thaught of, rather then forced writing

You just have to BS them because most english teachers feel like they'll hurt your feelings if they mark you down on them...

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mine doesnt .....shes old, ugly, annoying and has a high pitched annyoing vioce like the teacher on jimmy neutron.........she counts off for not putting periods on 3 or 4 answer questions....i hate her

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roses are red, pickles are green, i like ladys legs, and whats in between.

HAHAHA I laughed for about 13.894 seconds whe I read that. LOL :lol:

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I don't know why they wouldn't...

How's this one?

Happy Gilmore ©

Just stay out of my way,

or you'll pay.

Listen to what I say.

I could just go eat some hay.

I could make things out of clay,

or lay by the bay,

I just may.

What d'ya say?

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Easy-- Write a plain poem line (car drives by) and then just exchange each word with other ones of same meaning (raging beast within races past my lonely heart, blah blah blah, emo emo emo, yay), throw some personification in there, and voila, you got an A. Poetry from the heart? Hell no, but it'll score you a passing grade. Philosophy of the mediocre high school student.

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You really want to impress? Write it in iambic pentameter. I forget what the hell it is (you can google it) but it's one of those things that's formulaic, but the result is impressive (to teachers anyways).

Something to do w/ every fifth word or syllable or some trash.

Some jock I went to HS w/ did this for extra credit. The whole thing was about kool aid.

I think writing poetry is a bunch of garbage, unless it's a narrative.

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