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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hull's inno stick

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did anyone figure out exactly what hull's inno stick was? i know on CB people were saying it looked like trueone, and i agreed, but i'm starting to think it's something different (even though all i've seen is the top). did anyone find out?

inno hull

i don't know if the stick in this pic is the one i was seeing on the bench. but the one i saw on tv had that triangle inno symbol on the trueone... and the one in this pic looks like an 1100 maybe.

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From what I saw on the bench, it looked like a True 1 with the top half black instead of white. It looks like what Gary Roberts is using.

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did anyone else think the "innovative" on the top looked like the same graphics as the "stealth" on the stealth? the whole black with red outline. Does everyone believe its a OPS too?

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I think the stick Gary and Brett are using might be a new Inno OPS. Why would they both want the same custom colours. It's definatly a OPS during the game I was looking at it and there was definatly no seam where a blade and shaft would meet.

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i don't know if the stick in this pic is the one i was seeing on the bench. but the one i saw on tv had that triangle inno symbol on the trueone... and the one in this pic looks like an 1100 maybe.

You can see the True1 circle graphic on the top of the shaft in that pic.

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I said way back in Feb. that Hullie and Whitney were both using this charcoal grey w/ black "Innovative" True 1. It was confirmed when I asked Paul Boyer about their sticks at their equipment sale on Feb 28th.

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I dont see how knowing what stick hull uses will help anybody with their shots or anything like taht, even if its a true one it will be in 60-80 flex, something no one can get in a senior radius and what they use mite just be a cheap paint job and under neath it is complety custom.

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He put it up because he was curious, maybe it's a new paint job for the coming year. Maybe someone will get a line on some of the sticks and want to sell them here. Maybe it's a new OPS somebody here has just gained knowledge about or something they may be able to drop hints for.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a new paint job on the Tru-one, or a new OPS. Just because I saw a few Roberts Tru-Ones at a shop.

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