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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rbk modano curve

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i just came back my lhs and they had some 7k's.I saw they had a modano and i went to look at it and it is nothing like the easton modano pattern.It curves straight out and the blade is completly flat.I was very dissapointed and plus the sticks were $215 USD..Rip Off

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wickedwrister-it was a rip off because that was way overpriced

maybe this was a factory second or something this was the only modano they had i compared it to a modano in the store and it was not even close there was hardly any curve

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wickedwrister-it was a rip off because that was way overpriced

maybe this was a factory second or something this was the only modano they had i compared it to a modano in the store and it was not even close there was hardly any curve

Like everything else, it's brand new. If you MUST have the latest and greatest then you are going to pay top dollar. Remember, this is still CCM product. Like everything else, in a few months the price will come down one way or another.

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i wasnt going to buy the stick right then i was going to wait untill november when my high school season starts to buy them,hopefully the price will be down by then

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guys are you positive the rbk is identical to the easton have you put them next to each other and compared them,because they looked totally different

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guys are you positive the rbk is identical to the easton have you put them next to each other and compared them,because they looked totally different


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