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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synthesis fix?

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When I try to put tape inside the shaft to prevent it from coming loose, the tape always comes out (it gets pushed out of place)...

what am i doing wrong? how can i prevent the blade from becoming loose?

thanks in advance.

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i think the U shape is what i was missing. i did try to put the tape on the blade (1 side) and it obviously kept sliding off. i'll try out the U shape. thanks for the info... i just assumed it would have been too tight...

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If doing the full U shape is too tight, but no tape is too loose, you can do a half U shape where the part going on to of the tenon ends right in the middle of the tenon and doesn't run down the second side. I did that with a PTC blade in my M-2 and it worked like a charm.

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It saves the hassle of having to explain the whole process though. I think i'll save it to my HD in case someone asks again :D

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LOL That looks so old school, I just put as much glue as I can on it and it usually works for me. I like that more than the tape thing, but thats just my prefferance.

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